The Origins of Dawn: Why the Cock Crows for the Sun Each Morning

In the beginning, the sun was the property of the cock. The god once asked the cock to give him the...

The Witch's Deception: How Itu's Shapeshifter Defeated King Mbotu of Calabar

Mbotu was a very famous king of Old Town, Calabar. He was frequently at war, and was always...

The Skull's Deception: A Calabar Tale of Beauty and Disobedience

Effiong Edem was a native of Cobham Town. He had a very fine daughter, whose name was Afiong. All...

The Apprentice Thief: How a Boy Outwitted His Uncle - A Middle Eastern Folk Tale

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young boy with his mother. His father had passed...